Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Library Marketing – How A Dutch Library Enticed Social Media Users

Libraries are going through a tough time due to changing reader’s behavior. Readers want to read digital and prefer to look up information on Google or Wikepedia instead of in an encyclopedia. That is the reason why Encyclopedia Britannica recently announced that they will stop printing their gorgeous, leather-bound tomes.

In The Netherlands, many libraries had to close down or merge. As a result, they lost their function as a local information hub and place to relax and recharge

One library came up with a clever reach out plan. It hosted a meeting of a local Social Media Club and made sure to inform the media about it. The director hosted the event to turn the digital trailblazers into advocates for the library. As part of his strategy, he made is very personal by serving each participant a cup of coffee. They happily tweeted about this positive experience. To keep an ongoing relationship, the director gave each of the 80 participants free membership card (valid for 6 months).

Why was this marketing strategy so successful?

  • The experience was very personal, which is a nice change from digital interaction

  • Participants will associate the digital event with the library

  • Giving a free membership card is soft and non-intrusive “sell”

  • By personally serving coffee, the director built one-on-one relationships

  • The library showed that libraries and digital communities are a nice fit

  • Participants were turned into brand advocates, using their social media to share their positive experience

(Image: "Book 4.0" artwork)

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